.Cabin VBerth Hull Fittings Enclosure/Storage Shelf
In looking over storage areas, the Vberth area is a large area that could be used for storage especially for overnighters but because the thru-hull fittings/transducers are located in that area, it becomes a less appealing area to utilize. I believe others have also avoided storing items in this area for same reasons.  I decided to build a plexiglas compartment to protect the thru-hulls from being disturbed and gain full use of this storage area.  Plexiglas allows a view of the fittings/transducers.

The plexiglas was purchased from Home Depot along with stainless steel screws and bolts. I used cardboard/poster board to make templates of the hull contour and compartment fit for the 3 vertical sides of the compartment.  Measurements were taken to shape/cut the shelf/top. Bolts and nuts were used to attach the wood support attachments and the screws were used to attach the shelf.  I used Plastizote (a material that is also used for orthotics)  for dampening any vibration and to provide a soft contact for the plexiglas to the fiberglass areas of the hull and VBerth wall.  The Plastizote also wedges the shelf in so that the shelf cannot move forward.  Velcro attaches the compartment sides to the VBerth Wall but that is more to provide a soft contact that anything else.  (I have gobs and gobs of Plastizote at home. I originally bought it for some other non-boat related projects - That's a story in itself.)  Instead of Plastizote,  a  dense camping pad material of  ~ 1/2" thick will also work.

After making the templates and cutting the plexiglas at home using both a scroll saw and a sabre saw (be careful or vibration will crack the plexiglas), I had a few successive trips to the boat to tweak the contour fit.  After that, the wood was cut, sized and bolted to the plexiglas.  I then worked on the shelf last.  Install day was when I fitted the Plastizote and then used 3M's  4200 to attach the Plastizote to the fiberglass. The velcro was the self sticking type.
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